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Who's at Fault in Blind Spot Accidents?

Writer: Robert Schuerger IIRobert Schuerger II

Motor vehicle accidents take many shapes. One is a blind spot accident. When a driver fails to check his or her blind spot, they can collide with someone else, which results in a case that must determine liability and compensation.

Continue reading to learn about blind spot accidents, who is at fault, and how a personal injury lawyer can help.

What Is a Blind Spot Accident?

What Is a Blind Spot Accident?

Blind spots are the areas around a vehicle that the driver cannot see - either with their mirrors or eyes.

Every vehicle has blind spots, but they are more hazardous for commercial trucks since they have larger bodies. A truck driver must always be aware of these spaces they cannot see.

Additionally, a blind spot car accident happens when a vehicle changes in direction and fails to check its blind spot, hitting the other driver.

To avoid this, drivers must look in their mirrors and safely turn their heads to verify they can change direction without colliding with another vehicle.

Who Is at Fault?

There is no immediate culprit for every blind spot accident. Instead, the negligent driver who merges into the other vehicle is often held liable.

When operating a motor vehicle, everyone is responsible for checking their blind spots, even though they are not visible. As such, each case is unique.

Some of the more dangerous blind spot car accidents occur between truck drivers and passenger vehicles because commercial vehicles are more significant in size.

Nevertheless, a driver should always check his or her blind spot before switching their direction to avoid a crash.

Common Causes of Blind Spot Accidents

A blind spot accident typically comes down to the driver's negligence. They failed to monitor their blind spot while driving and subsequently hit another vehicle.

The most common cause of blind spot car accidents is a driver making a lane change unsafely. However, there are a couple of other causes of which drivers should be aware.


A blind spot crash can occur when a driver attempts to reverse. The vehicle's mirrors are meant to protect the driver, but they should always check their blind spot to prevent an accident.

Another vehicle or a pedestrian could pass by, for example. Not checking blind spots in this situation would cause the reversing driver to be liable for the blind spot accident.


It can be challenging when a driver merges onto the highway. They must accelerate sharply and avoid other cars already traveling 50 miles per hour or more.

To avoid a blind spot crash, drivers should safely accelerate their vehicle on the shoulder. Once they get to the highway, they should check their blind spots on the side to which they are merging.

It can be easy to check only the mirrors when getting on the highway. However, the merging driver is required to yield to traffic. They should be cautious of other drivers in their blind spots.

Changing Lanes

Finally, changing lanes is often considered the most common cause of blind spot accidents.

Some drivers forget they cannot rely only on their mirrors to check for other vehicles on the road. They must verify no one is in their blind spot.

To safely change lanes, drivers should always use their turn signal in addition to checking their blind spots. It allows the other driver to register that someone next to them wants to change lanes, making the scenario safer.

Common Damages Associated with Blind Spot Crashes

No two blind spot accidents are alike. Therefore, the damages for each one are different, but there are commonalities.

A blind spot accident case could help victims recover compensation for any of the following damages:

  • Medical care and treatment

  • Future medical expenses

  • Property damage

  • Lost wages

  • Pain and suffering

  • Mental and emotional anguish

If the victim of a blind spot accident feels they should be financially compensated for other damages, they should speak to a trusted Nashville semi truck accident attorney who can assist them in recovering fair remuneration.

Proving Liability in a Blind Spot Accident Claim

Proving Liability in a Blind Spot Accident Claim

The victim of a blind spot collision cannot recover any money unless they prove the other driver is at fault. They must display evidence that the other driver's negligence caused the accident while also validating they were operating the vehicle that was changing lanes or direction.

When the injured party successfully evidences this, the at-fault driver is responsible for providing compensation to the victim.

Determining fault in a blind spot accident is challenging. A personal injury lawyer can help victims recover financial damages caused by the collision. Some of the best pieces of evidence include:

  • Photos of the crash scene

  • Witness testimony

  • Surveillance video

  • A police report

The person not at fault in a blind spot accident may be more inclined to gather evidence to prove liability for the other driver. They must collect evidence after the crash to prove fault and receive compensation successfully.

However, after a car accident, some victims may have to seek medical attention immediately. If this is the case, and they cannot collect evidence, a personal injury lawyer can help them get the right documentation to prove liability for a blind spot accident.

It is crucial to be aware of comparative fault in a car accident case. Tennessee upholds this rule; a driver partially responsible for an accident must remove the percentage of fault from their compensation. Therefore, if a driver is found 20 percent liable for the crash, they may only obtain 80 percent of the earnings. Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can also answer questions like, "What is the open and obvious doctrine in Tennessee?"

Contact a Trusted Personal Injury Attorney

Each blind spot accident case is unique. However, all of them apply to the same laws and regulations. A personal injury attorney can help victims prove fault in a blind spot accident case to help them obtain compensation for their sustained injuries and damages. They can give information on who's at fault in underride accidents too.

Some victims opt to represent themselves. However, this is a very demanding task, especially after being involved in an accident.

If the victim was not physically injured, they most likely sustained some mental distress. Therefore, a lawyer can help clients understand the law, so they are more likely to obtain a fair amount of compensation for their troubles.

Contact Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys in Nashville, Tennessee - the team of legal experts so readily confident in representing clients that they put it in their name. This law firm goes to war for its clients.

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